An 18-year-old mother was charged with attempted murder after authorities said she left her newborn child alive in a New Mexico dumpster.
Police received calls about a baby in a dumpster at 8 p.m. on Friday in the 1400 block of N. Thorp in Hobbs, a city located in the southeast corner of the state near the Texas border.. The baby was taken to a hospital, then subsequently transferred to Lubbock Hospital for further treatment.In an interview with Alexis Avila, the baby's mother, police said the teen confessed to giving birth to the child at another location and placing the newborn in the dumpster.
Joe Imbriale, the owner of Rig Outfitters and Home Store, said police came to him Friday night requesting that surveillance footage, which was caught on his camera. “I was in shock just to see this,” he told KOB. “I can’t sleep at night just knowing that this baby was just tossed in a dumpster like that. I’m sorry but who does that? That is evil. I don’t have words for it.”
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